ISRO has successfully tested its Hydrogen fuel cell in the new mission of PSLV C58. The fuel cell has generated electricity of 180 W, while it has the basic capcity of 100 W. TheĀ 100 W class Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell based Power System (FCPS) in its orbital platform, POEM3, launched by PSLV-C58 on January 01, 2024. The mission also contained Aditya L1 mission for solar observation.

The above said technology becomes crucial when the ISRO is planning to have a Human or Man mission in space soon. In the man mission the requirement of water is necessary along with Oxygen. Earlier the transfer of technology for the life support system onboard of manned spacecraft has been denied by other countries, which make it essential for ISRO make by itself. The hydrogen fuel cell can a step closer for forming the required technology.

Hydrogen fuel cell is unlike the petroleum based fuel, in which carbon based fuel is burned. Fossil fuel emits various gases like Carbon di oxide, CO, NO2, SO2 etc which are harmful for the environment. Hydrogen cell contains hydrogen and oxygen at a very pressure, when they are mixed it produces water along with energy. The FCPS of ISRO produced 180W electricity which can provide electricity to various instrument onboard of spacecraft along with life supporting water.

How fuel cell works

Hydrogen fuel cells use a chemical reaction to produce power. A positive cathode and a negative anode are the two electrodes found in every fuel cell. These electrodes are the site of the electrical reaction, which is accelerated by a catalyst and an electrolyte that transports electrically charged particles between them.

A hydrogen fuel cell’s primary fuel is hydrogen, but for the cell to function, oxygen is also required. Because water is produced as a byproduct of the reaction between the hydrogen and oxygen required to generate the energy, one of the main benefits of these fuel cells is that they produce electricity with very little pollution. Pure hydrogen fuel cells are carbon-free in every way.


Fuel cell also has some disadvantages,

1. Because of the use of hydrogen it becomes also dangerous for safety reasons as hydrogen is very inflammable.

2. To use hydrogen first it has to extract which is very energy consuming so it is overall not efficient but in case of space is has to be use anyways.

3. It needs Platinum as catalyst which is very expansive.


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